ncount = 4769896 total number of elements in MW markup. The elements apear in sorted order. For each element, the number of occurences of the element in monier_dump.txt is shown, as of April 29, 2008. 94359 15072 176 843 2508 49076 57030 1 5448 3 7 4197 490 280091 15737 10841 74 2 330475 104 10430
2468 1 14574 12220 9603 1830 2711 5 11 1006

30292 9259 9562

30518 21326 17219

106248 17129 15098

20523 355 155 280091 280091 280091 12549 2407 1 280091 280091 280091 1473 859 871 458 64505 624 102 2410 193318 1 311694 23219 10568 3513 63256 166455 10 2905 115 5 198

116378 278164 1555 2410 2464 20024 3520 8274 6934 184271 10700 1 76 239 13727 27743 38931 720 280091 19366 3 1 13 54 7 118 617 1837 10519