Help for Inflected Form Abbreviations

The following table shows each abbreviation used in the inflected form display, a description of the abbreviation, and a reference to a page in Kale's Higher Sanskrit Grammar.
Once a word is looked up, one can click on an abbreviation in the right pane; this brings up a display of the page in Kale that discusses this form.
f_Afeminine noun/adjective ending in AKale 36
f_Bfeminine noun/adjective ending in BKale 55
f_Dfeminine noun/adjective ending in DKale 55
f_Ifeminine noun/adjective ending in IKale 41
f_Sfeminine noun/adjective ending in SKale 56
f_Ufeminine noun/adjective ending in UKale 42
f_aYcfeminine noun/adjective ending in aYcKale 62
f_cfeminine noun/adjective ending in cKale 56
f_cardfeminine cardinal numberKale 102
f_dfeminine noun/adjective ending in dKale 55
f_ffeminine noun/adjective ending in fKale 50
f_hfeminine noun/adjective ending in hKale 56
f_ifeminine noun/adjective ending in iKale 37
f_jfeminine noun/adjective ending in jKale 56
f_kfeminine noun/adjective ending in kKale 55
f_pfeminine noun/adjective ending in pKale 55
f_pronfeminine pronounKale 87
f_rfeminine noun/adjective ending in rKale 54
f_sfeminine noun/adjective ending in sKale 66
f_tfeminine noun/adjective ending in tKale 55
f_ufeminine noun/adjective ending in uKale 38
f_vasfeminine noun/adjective ending in vasKale 80
f_yasfeminine noun/adjective ending in yasKale 81
f_zfeminine noun/adjective ending in zKale 56
m_Amasculine noun/adjective ending in AKale 35
m_Bmasculine noun/adjective ending in BKale 55
m_Dmasculine noun/adjective ending in DKale 55
m_Imasculine noun/adjective ending in IKale 42
m_Smasculine noun/adjective ending in SKale 56
m_Umasculine noun/adjective ending in UKale 48
m_amasculine noun/adjective ending in aKale 35
m_aYcmasculine noun/adjective ending in aYcKale 62
m_anmasculine noun/adjective ending in anKale 73
m_atmasculine noun/adjective ending in atKale 70
m_cmasculine noun/adjective ending in cKale 56
m_cardmasculine cardinal numberKale 102
m_dmasculine noun/adjective ending in dKale 55
m_fmasculine noun/adjective ending in fKale 50
m_hmasculine noun/adjective ending in hKale 56
m_imasculine noun/adjective ending in iKale 37
m_inmasculine noun/adjective ending in inKale 78
m_jmasculine noun/adjective ending in jKale 56
m_kmasculine noun/adjective ending in kKale 55
m_matmasculine noun/adjective ending in matKale 70
m_omasculine noun/adjective ending in oKale 53
m_pmasculine noun/adjective ending in pKale 55
m_pronmasculine pronounKale 87
m_rmasculine noun/adjective ending in rKale 54
m_smasculine noun/adjective ending in sKale 66
m_tmasculine noun/adjective ending in tKale 55
m_umasculine noun/adjective ending in uKale 37
m_vasmasculine noun/adjective ending in vasKale 80
m_vatmasculine noun/adjective ending in vatKale 70
m_yasmasculine noun/adjective ending in yasKale 81
m_zmasculine noun/adjective ending in zKale 56
n_Bneuter noun/adjective ending in BKale 55
n_Dneuter noun/adjective ending in DKale 55
n_Sneuter noun/adjective ending in SKale 56
n_aneuter noun/adjective ending in aKale 35
n_aYcneuter noun/adjective ending in aYcKale 62
n_anneuter noun/adjective ending in anKale 73
n_atneuter noun/adjective ending in atKale 70
n_cneuter noun/adjective ending in cKale 56
n_cardneuter cardinal numberKale 102
n_dneuter noun/adjective ending in dKale 55
n_fneuter noun/adjective ending in fKale 49
n_hneuter noun/adjective ending in hKale 56
n_ineuter noun/adjective ending in iKale 38
n_inneuter noun/adjective ending in inKale 78
n_jneuter noun/adjective ending in jKale 56
n_kneuter noun/adjective ending in kKale 55
n_matneuter noun/adjective ending in matKale 70
n_pneuter noun/adjective ending in pKale 55
n_pronneuter pronounKale 87
n_rneuter noun/adjective ending in rKale 54
n_sneuter noun/adjective ending in sKale 66
n_tneuter noun/adjective ending in tKale 55
n_uneuter noun/adjective ending in uKale 39
n_vasneuter noun/adjective ending in vasKale 80
n_vatneuter noun/adjective ending in vatKale 70
n_yasneuter noun/adjective ending in yasKale 81
n_zneuter noun/adjective ending in zKale 56
fut-afuture , active voiceKale 298
fut-cafuture of causal, active voiceKale 368
fut-cmfuture of causal, middle voiceKale 368
fut-mfuture , middle voiceKale 298
ind_absabsolutiveKale 440
ind_cabscausal absolutiveKale 368
ind_cinfcausal infinitiveKale 368
ind_cppfactncausal periphrastic perfect action nounKale 368
ind_infinfinitiveKale 451
ind_ppfactnperiphrastic perfect action nounKale 329
ipf-10aimperfect of class 10 verb, active voiceKale 241
ipf-10mimperfect of class 10 verb, middle voiceKale 241
ipf-1aimperfect of class 1 verb, active voiceKale 241
ipf-1mimperfect of class 1 verb, middle voiceKale 241
ipf-2aimperfect of class 2 verb, active voiceKale 254
ipf-2mimperfect of class 2 verb, middle voiceKale 254
ipf-3aimperfect of class 3 verb, active voiceKale 254
ipf-3mimperfect of class 3 verb, middle voiceKale 254
ipf-4aimperfect of class 4 verb, active voiceKale 241
ipf-4mimperfect of class 4 verb, middle voiceKale 241
ipf-5aimperfect of class 5 verb, active voiceKale 254
ipf-5mimperfect of class 5 verb, middle voiceKale 254
ipf-6aimperfect of class 6 verb, active voiceKale 241
ipf-6mimperfect of class 6 verb, middle voiceKale 241
ipf-7aimperfect of class 7 verb, active voiceKale 254
ipf-7mimperfect of class 7 verb, middle voiceKale 254
ipf-8aimperfect of class 8 verb, active voiceKale 254
ipf-8mimperfect of class 8 verb, middle voiceKale 254
ipf-9aimperfect of class 9 verb, active voiceKale 254
ipf-9mimperfect of class 9 verb, middle voiceKale 254
ipf-caimperfect of causal, active voiceKale 368
ipf-cmimperfect of causal, middle voiceKale 368
ipf-cpimperfect of causal, passive voiceKale 368
ipf-pimperfect , passive voiceKale 360
ipv-10aimperative of class 10 verb, active voiceKale 241
ipv-10mimperative of class 10 verb, middle voiceKale 241
ipv-1aimperative of class 1 verb, active voiceKale 241
ipv-1mimperative of class 1 verb, middle voiceKale 241
ipv-2aimperative of class 2 verb, active voiceKale 254
ipv-2mimperative of class 2 verb, middle voiceKale 254
ipv-3aimperative of class 3 verb, active voiceKale 254
ipv-3mimperative of class 3 verb, middle voiceKale 254
ipv-4aimperative of class 4 verb, active voiceKale 241
ipv-4mimperative of class 4 verb, middle voiceKale 241
ipv-5aimperative of class 5 verb, active voiceKale 254
ipv-5mimperative of class 5 verb, middle voiceKale 254
ipv-6aimperative of class 6 verb, active voiceKale 241
ipv-6mimperative of class 6 verb, middle voiceKale 241
ipv-7aimperative of class 7 verb, active voiceKale 254
ipv-7mimperative of class 7 verb, middle voiceKale 254
ipv-8aimperative of class 8 verb, active voiceKale 254
ipv-8mimperative of class 8 verb, middle voiceKale 254
ipv-9aimperative of class 9 verb, active voiceKale 254
ipv-9mimperative of class 9 verb, middle voiceKale 254
ipv-caimperative of causal, active voiceKale 368
ipv-cmimperative of causal, middle voiceKale 368
ipv-cpimperative of causal, passive voiceKale 368
ipv-pimperative , passive voiceKale 360
opt-10aoptative of class 10 verb, active voiceKale 241
opt-10moptative of class 10 verb, middle voiceKale 241
opt-1aoptative of class 1 verb, active voiceKale 241
opt-1moptative of class 1 verb, middle voiceKale 241
opt-2aoptative of class 2 verb, active voiceKale 254
opt-2moptative of class 2 verb, middle voiceKale 254
opt-3aoptative of class 3 verb, active voiceKale 254
opt-3moptative of class 3 verb, middle voiceKale 254
opt-4aoptative of class 4 verb, active voiceKale 241
opt-4moptative of class 4 verb, middle voiceKale 241
opt-5aoptative of class 5 verb, active voiceKale 254
opt-5moptative of class 5 verb, middle voiceKale 254
opt-6aoptative of class 6 verb, active voiceKale 241
opt-6moptative of class 6 verb, middle voiceKale 241
opt-7aoptative of class 7 verb, active voiceKale 254
opt-7moptative of class 7 verb, middle voiceKale 254
opt-8aoptative of class 8 verb, active voiceKale 254
opt-8moptative of class 8 verb, middle voiceKale 254
opt-9aoptative of class 9 verb, active voiceKale 254
opt-9moptative of class 9 verb, middle voiceKale 254
opt-caoptative of causal, active voiceKale 368
opt-cmoptative of causal, middle voiceKale 368
opt-cpoptative of causal, passive voiceKale 368
opt-poptative , passive voiceKale 360
pft-aperiphrastic future , active voiceKale 300
pft-caperiphrastic future of causal, active voiceKale 368
pft-cmperiphrastic future of causal, middle voiceKale 368
pft-mperiphrastic future , middle voiceKale 300
pre-10apresent of class 10 verb, active voiceKale 241
pre-10mpresent of class 10 verb, middle voiceKale 241
pre-1apresent of class 1 verb, active voiceKale 241
pre-1mpresent of class 1 verb, middle voiceKale 241
pre-2apresent of class 2 verb, active voiceKale 254
pre-2mpresent of class 2 verb, middle voiceKale 254
pre-3apresent of class 3 verb, active voiceKale 254
pre-3mpresent of class 3 verb, middle voiceKale 254
pre-4apresent of class 4 verb, active voiceKale 241
pre-4mpresent of class 4 verb, middle voiceKale 241
pre-5apresent of class 5 verb, active voiceKale 254
pre-5mpresent of class 5 verb, middle voiceKale 254
pre-6apresent of class 6 verb, active voiceKale 241
pre-6mpresent of class 6 verb, middle voiceKale 241
pre-7apresent of class 7 verb, active voiceKale 254
pre-7mpresent of class 7 verb, middle voiceKale 254
pre-8apresent of class 8 verb, active voiceKale 254
pre-8mpresent of class 8 verb, middle voiceKale 254
pre-9apresent of class 9 verb, active voiceKale 254
pre-9mpresent of class 9 verb, middle voiceKale 254
pre-capresent of causal, active voiceKale 368
pre-cmpresent of causal, middle voiceKale 368
pre-cppresent of causal, passive voiceKale 368
pre-ppresent , passive voiceKale 360
prf-aperfect , active voiceKale 306
prf-mperfect , middle voiceKale 306