Cologne Sanskrit Lexicon Overview ================================= The introductory paragraph from the 1997 paper `Report on the Cologne Sanskrit Dictionary Project `__ still provides a good summary of the goals of the project and its accompanying `web site `__ : The Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon (CDSL) project undertakes to digitize and merge the major bilingual Sanskrit dictionaries compiled in the 19th century. Its aim is to provide a basic lexical corpus to provide an easy access to all available meanings of Sanskrit words and to allow the creation of a number of computer programs that will help to analyze Sanskrit texts. According to the web-site's home page, there are digitizations of: * 11 bilingual Sanskrit-English dictionaries * 3 English-Sanskrit dictionaries * 2 Sanskrit-French dictionaries * 5 Sanskrit-German dictionaries * 1 Sanskrit-Latin dictionary * 2 Sanskrit-Sanskrit dictionaries * 10 specialized dictionaries. Each of these dictionaries has a suite of 4 :doc:`displays `.